COVID-19 Screening
MSU Medical Centre is one of the accredited providers of COVID-19 Screening test under the Ministry of Health (MOH), Malaysia. We are devoted to creating a safer environment for our community. Hence, if you’re looking for a simple and convenient way to screen for COVID-19, reach us to arrange for an appointment. Alternatively, drive-thru, office and home COVID-19 screenings are also available under our screening services.
We are pleased to share our COVID-19 tests information as follows:
Result out in: 72 Hours
Sample through: Nasopharyngeal and Oropharyngeal
Gold Standard Diagnostic Test for Covid-19
Result out in: 24 Hours
Sample through: Nasopharyngeal
Rapid Screening Test for Covid-19
If result is positive, RT-PCR will be needed as a confirmatory test